Delhi - India

India is a country of opposites.
It's beautiful: the Himalaya's, Taj Mahal, the people.
It's ugly: suppression of the lower casts and women, the poverty.
It's rich: the history, culture, financial wealth for some.
It's poor: the infrastructure, social systems, financial poverty for many.
But overall it's endlessly interesting: the incomparable mix of colours, scents, sounds and people.

While India is becoming a powerful and progressive nation with a fast increasing industry and technology, hundreds of millions are left behind in poverty and neglect.

I took the following photographs around the Great Mosque in Old Delhi.
From dawn till dusk there are dozens of beggars around.
They are lepers, cripples, invalids. Some are blind, others are disfigured.
There are men, women and children.

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